AAF Tuscaloosa

Special Award Recipients

Some people are just willing to do more than what is asked of them.

As busy as they are, they always seem to find the time to do the extra things. AAFT recognizes these people through our Special Awards (Ad Person of the Year, Dan Kilgo Community Service Award, and Silver Medal) and awards are presented each year at the American Advertising Awards Gala. These awards are given based on club nomination, so this is YOUR chance to recognize someone. Inductees into the Bruce Roche Hall of Fame are not necessarily named annually, but on an as-appropriate basis as determined by the AAFT board.

Silver Medal Award

The Silver Medal Award was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry's standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern. It is the highest honor bestowed by AAF Tuscaloosa. The winner must have a strong record of achievement over a continuous period of time for their firm or group of companies. The winner must be known as a person of integrity within their company and community.

The nominee must meet all the following criteria to be eligible: 

  • Does not have to be a member of AAF Tuscaloosa

  • The recipient must have achieved success in one of the following areas of work: advertising agency, advertiser, media or advertising service.

  • The recipient must have shown a consistent, high degree of original thinking in their field.

  • The recipient must have worked to increase the stature and raise the standards of the advertising profession.

  • The recipient should be someone who has been active in civic, religious, or other groups dedicated to human or social welfare.

Ad Person of the Year

The Ad Person of the Year Award recognizes that individual member who has shown dedication to and has made great contributions to the club, as well as showing exceptional advertising work during the past year.

The nominee must meet all the following criteria to be eligible: 

  • A member in good standing on AAF Tuscaloosa

  • Increased level of commitment to the club in the past year

  • Displayed willingness to go above and beyond normal role in the club

  • Exhibited desire to take on new challenges and tasks when needed

  • Embodiment of the AAF motto to be a unifying voice for advertising

Dan Kilgo Community Service Award

The Dan Kilgo Service Award is given to an individual who has made significant contributions to the interests of greater Tuscaloosa community every year since 1974. It is named for Dan Kilgo, advertising agency owner, renowned commercial and comic artist, and civic leader. Dan’s noted accomplishments include past president of AAF Tuscaloosa (3rd president 1970-71), graduate of the Los Angeles Art Center and designer of the iconic Moon Winx motel sign among others, Civitan Club president and perennial Santa Claus for numerous community events and parties. Past recipients include Robert Witt, Walt Maddox, and Jack Warner as well as our own Angie Hughes, Judy Holland, and Michelle Massey. 

The nominee must meet all the following criteria to be eligible: 

  • Does not have to be a member of AAF Tuscaloosa

  • May be chosen from community-at-large

  • Shows dedication to the Tuscaloosa community through public service activities

  • Positively represents the field of advertising on a local level

Bruce Roche Hall of Fame

The Bruce Roche Hall of Fame was established to honor Dr. Roche, his enumerable contributions to AAF Tuscaloosa, and serve as a vehicle to honor chapter members for their outstanding service to the club over the course of several years. It was established in 2018 and the first recipients, Dr. Roche and Jimmy Warren, were inducted at the AAF Tuscaloosa’s 50th Anniversary Celebration in June of the same year. While nominations for the Hall of Fame will be taken at any time, the honor shall be presented on an “as appropriate” basis. 

The nominee must meet all the following criteria to be eligible: 

  • A former AAF Tuscaloosa President

  • Exhibited exemplary, extraordinary, dedicated, and lengthy service to AAF Tuscaloosa

  • Achieved the highest success in the field of advertising and/or related industry

  • Shown consistent high degree of creative, original actions and initiatives to AAF Tuscaloosa

  • Indicates an ongoing dedication to increase the stature, enhance the image, while raising the standards of AAF Tuscaloosa, District 7, and the field of advertising

Ad Person of the Year

1974 Otto Miller
1978 Bruce Roche
1983 Jack Andrews
1984 Craig Woodward
1985 Judy Giles
1986 Sheri Arnold
1987 Dan Meissner
1988 Michele Elrod
1989 Joel Mask
1990 Betty Heard
1991 Michele Massey
1992 Ronnie Quarles
1993 Laura Madison
1994 Susan Richards Tucker
1995 Annie Ellis
1996 Michele Massey
1997 Kathleen Hines
1998 Jimmy Warren
1999 LeAnn Perry
2000 Cynthia Lacey
2001 Angie Hughes
2002 Lisa Aplin
2003 Keith LaCoste
2004 Brad Fisher
2005 Lillian Quarles
2006 Katy Grimsley
2007 Nancy Lambert-Brown
2008 Laura Lee
2009 Michael Washington
2010 Adam Miller
2011 Tracy Sims
2012 Julie Salter
2013 Tabitha Bostick
2014 Brad Fisher
2015 Chris Powell
2016 Sam Kirkwood
2017 Deidre Stalnaker
2018 Rebecca Royen
2019 Kellie Hensley
2020 Bradlee Colburn
2021 Kaly Glass
2022 Jacob Crawford
2022 Jenni Miesse
2023 Michael Nix
2023 Amy Martin
2024 Ashley Cornelius
2025 Kevin Lake & Huey Rudder

Dan Kilgo Community Service Award

1974 Jack Warner // Gulf States Paper
1977 Fred Maxwell // The University of Alabama
1977 Mary Ann Phelps // The University of Alabama
1984 Malcolm Portera // The University of Alabama
1985 Jack Warner // Gulf States Paper
1986 Charles Land // The Tuscaloosa News
1989 Fran Viselli // Bama-Bino Pizza
1990 Jim Harrison // Harco Drug
1991 Dennis Hall // Jim Walter Resources
1994 Johnnie Aycock // Chamber of Commerce of West AL
1995 Anthony Topazi // Alabama Power/IDA
1996 Verta Barr
1997 Bill Landford
1998 Dick Johnson // South Central Bell
1999 Terry Waters // Alabama Power
2000 Star Bloom
2003 Barry Mason // The University of Alabama
2004 Joyce Sellers // Tuscaloosa County Schools
2005 Jerry Belk
2006 Jim Harrison III
2007 Sarah Patterson // The University of Alabama
2008 David DeSantis // Tuscaloosa Toyota
2009 Walt Maddox // Mayor, City of Tuscaloosa
2010 Dr. Robert Witt // The University of Alabama
2011 Kelle Reinhart // The University of Alabama System
2018 Angie Hughes // The University of Alabama
2019 Michele Massey // Tucker Massey Marketing
2020 Julie Salter // The University of Alabama
2021 Adam Miller // Theatre Tuscaloosa
2022 Teri Henley // The University of Alabama
2023 Julie Mann // United Way of West Alabama
2024 Traci Mitchell (posthumous) &
Kelsey Rush // City of Tuscaloosa
2025 Amy Martin // WVUA23

** During a web crash, we lost records of 2012-2018. If we are missing your name or have the wrong year, please let us know.

Silver Medal

1971 Snow Hinton // Mayor, City of Tuscaloosa
1976 Clyde Price // WACT
1978 Russ Chappell // Group One Advertising
1979 Bruce Roche // University of Alabama
1982 Alice Lewis // First State Bank
1983 Jack Gorday // South Central Bell
1984 Camille Elebash // The University of Alabama
1985 Craig Woodward // Alabama Press Association
1986 Dennis Hall // Jim Walter Resources
1987 Jack Andrews // Patrick Outdoor
1988 Jimmy Warren // TotalCom
1989 Gary Creek // TotalCom
1990 Charles Land // The Tuscaloosa News
1992 Betty Heard // Harco Drug
1994 Brad Fisher // DCH Regional Medical Center
1995 James Boone // The Tuscaloosa News
1996 Susan Richards Tucker // Tucker Marketing Group
1997 Ed Mullins // The University of Alabama
1998 Dan Meissner // Gulf States Paper
2000 Laura Lineberry // The University of Alabama
2001 Michele Massey // Riverhill
2003 Joel A. Mask
2004 Fred Deloach
2005 Houston and Voncile Pearce
2006 Newell Allen
2008 Keith LaCoste
2009 Angie Hughes // WVUA-TV
2010 Lori Moore // TotalCom
2011 Camille Shotts // WVUA-TV
2012 Lucy Arnold Sikes // The University of Alabama
2013 Teri Henley // The University of Alabama
2015 Easty Lambert-Brown
2016 Tracy Sims // The University of Alabama
2017 Jimmy Shaw
2018 Adam Miller // Theatre Tuscaloosa
2019 Linda Bonnin // The University of Alabama
2020 Deidre Stalnaker // The University of Alabama
2021 Jackie Wuska // United Way of West Alabama
2023 Rebecca Royen // The University of Alabama
2024 Becky Booker // Tuscaloosa County Parks & Recreation Authority
2025 Jay Waters // The University of Alabama

** During a web crash, we lost records of 2012-2018. If we are missing your name or have the wrong year, please let us know.

Bruce Roche Hall of Fame

2018 Bruce Roche

2018 Jimmy Warren

2020 Michele Massey

2022 Joel A. Mask