Advertising Education & Scholarship
Present clinics or workshops for all interested in furthering their knowledge in techniques of the advertising profession.
Serve as a liaison with local college and high school students in order to promote an interest in the advertising industry.
Promote and select recipients for the Betty Heard Memorial Scholarship, the Ricky Yanaura Memorial Scholarship, and the Ronnie Quarles Memorial Scholarship programs of the club.
American Advertising Awards
Organize and promote the judging and presentation of awards for the annual American Advertising Awards competition.
Organize and execute the American Advertising Awards event in February.
Club Achievement
Promote the National Club Achievement Competition.
Assist committee chairs in preparing materials needed for entering.
Supervise the collection and forwarding of entries.
Communication & Publicity
Maintain the club’s website.
Produce all club communication (email, social, print) to promote organization activities and priorities of the club.
Promote all club functions, projects, workshops, achievements.
Diversity & Multicultural Initiatives
Administrate the Diversity Membership Grant program.
Develop way to include multicultural thinking in the Club’s projects and activities as well as ensure the Club’s membership reflects the diverse population of West Alabama.
Secure new donor for the diversity scholarship.
Supervise, under control of the board, club finances.
Prepare all club budgets.
Work closely with the Club bookkeeper.
Fund Development
Develop non-dues revenue to support the Club and its activities.
Previous initiatives have included a golf tournament and bike ride.
Governmental Affairs
Monitor actions of all governmental bodies at the municipal, county, and state levels as they affect advertising
Advise the president and the Board of any actions it considers detrimental to advertising.
Work on all membership related activities.
Encourage new memberships, screen and process new applications, and install all new members.
Arrange for all programs, provide speakers and/or furnish entertainment at all regular meetings, functions, and social events.
Work with other committee chairs to promote various initiatives through club programs.
Public Service
Evaluate and recommend action to the Board on activities of a public service nature.
Develop a speaker’s bureau and to provide speakers, displays and other activities to the general public, students, civic clubs, etc.
The committee assumes responsibility of the execution of those activities approved by the board.
Examine all financial records of the Club at the end of each administrative year and at other times at the request of the President or the Board of Directors.
Deliver a written report to the Board of Directors and to the general membership at the end of each administrative year. Present at the meeting following the annual business meeting on the status of each fund maintained by the Club.
Special Awards
Oversee the nomination and selection of recipients for the Ad Person of the Year, Silver Medal Award, Dan Kilgo Community Service Award, and the Bruce Roche Hall of Fame.
Recommend to the Board and to the Club a slate of officers and Directors for the following administrative year.
Develop potential board members throughout the year.
Policy & Bylaws
Consider each proposed amendment to the bylaws presented to the Board and to recommend action to the Board.