How To Be Creative Even If You Don't Think Of Yourself As Being All That Creative, Which Is Probably Not A Very Accurate Assessment Of Your Abilities In The First Place

How To Be Creative Even If You Don't Think Of Yourself As Being All That Creative, Which Is Probably Not A Very Accurate Assessment Of Your Abilities In The First Place

First, do you really want to engage with creativity? Like, for real? Because it can truly change how you see the world and live your life. I mean, once you turn it on, it can be hard to turn off. So, if trudging around in the murky bogs of "what if" and "let's try it and see" doesn't sound fun, maybe don't come to this talk since there's gonna be some ideas being thrown around that I won't be able to take back. Second, you should come though, because I think there might be free food there. I'm not sure. RSVP Today!

 Presented by Mark Barry

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Marketing Munch

Marketing Munch

Join us for the Marketing Munch: A Roundtable on Small Business Marketing Challenges!
They'll dish on the challenges they face and share their communications wish-lists. Expect something EXTRA special in the way of prizes – you won’t want to miss this!

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Join AAF Tuscaloosa on May 30 as Huey Rudder and Kevin Lake give us an exclusive peek at the process behind their American Advertising Award-winning work.

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Geno Schellenberger

Geno Schellenberger

Senior communications manager at Havas and host of the Breaking and Entering podcast, Geno shares brand stories through powerful creative and sound strategy. Join AAF Tuscaloosa and AAF UA on Monday, November 6, as we learn what it takes to break into the national advertising scene and produce work that moves people.

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AAFT x Visit Tuscaloosa

AAFT x Visit Tuscaloosa

Fresh off being named the 2023 Alabama Tourism Organization of the Year, Visit Tuscaloosa joins AAF to discuss the communications and marketing that contribute to a successful destination strategy.

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Joel A. Mask Golf Classic

Joel A. Mask Golf Classic

The Joel A. Mask Golf Classic has been supporting scholarships to The University of Alabama since its inception 30 years ago. This year's goal is to fully endow the Betty Heard Memorial Scholarship.

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Membership Mixer

Membership Mixer

Join us as we connect with fellow advertising professionals in Tuscaloosa. Learn the benefits of being an AAF member, network with like-minded individuals and enjoy snacks or a couple drinks.
Current members and guests are welcome. Two free drink tickets per person.

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